
About X-Change Garage


Exchange Garage (X-Change Garage) is a not-for-profit platform operated bye Link Corporation and was established in June 2022 as a means of providing ICT services to deprived schools. X-Change Garage aims for a society in which digital technologies contribute to human rights, social justice, and equity.

Most mainstream approaches to digital technologies for development are either techno-utopianism or promote a market-fundamentalist approach, often both together.

Progressive actors from all sectors, we believe, must come together to influence the technosocial changes that are redefining our societies in all areas. They need to begin with framing the discourse, and then advocate for appropriate policies and demonstrate working models on the ground. Therefore, even as our own strategies span all these two areas, we also seek to build bridges across different sectors, in the global struggle towards an equitable digital society. Our work in the areas of education, and internet governance push the boundaries of existing vocabulary and practice, exploring new development and social change frameworks. Network building is key to our work.

Focus Areas

  • 01 Education

    X-change garage seeks to build participatory models that strengthen schools, students, and teachers’ participation, in partnership with public education systems. Our school projects systemically integrate digital technologies for teaching, learning, connecting, creating, and collaborating at school levels. Our research includes digital intelligence, collaborative OER models, communities of practice and free and open technologies.

  • The nature of evolution of the Internet is an important determinant of social change. The Internet is no longer simply a technical platform about which technical experts are best placed to take important decisions. Who then should shape the evolution of the Internet, and how? Users determining the Internet's trajectory is largely a myth, though some remarkable oases of alternative practices amongst committed techies and other 'power users' do exist. To the extent the user has a role, it is in her capacity as a consumer, which capacity is very unequally distributed between affluent and marginalised groups. Largely, it is corporatist and statist powers that are shaping the Internet. We believe that ordinary people and communities must have greater control in shaping the Internet for a future society that is egalitarian. Towards this end, we undertake research, and advocate national and global norms and policies that recognise, and underpin, the Internet as a force for equality and social justice.


Our Services Rating

Training 100%
Events 75%
Advocacy 50%

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